Our Proposals.

Our proposal will enhance the facilities but also enhance the setting of the heritage building within the green space.

View of proposed gym and existing front

View of the new pool building


The Facilities.

the sports

A new, single-storey, state of the art gym will be built that connects seamlessly to the existing building. We will replace the rarely used tennis courts with Padel tennis courts to expand the club’s offering.

the pool

The existing pool will be extended to create a 25m pool and new changing facilities will be created to be shared between both wet and dry facilities.

the club

There will be a new restaurant, coffee shop, crèche, and members lounge.


The Building.

the exterior

The new buildings will be clad in wood to enhance and blend with the surrounding green open space. It will be a sustainable building using photovoltaic cells on the flat roofs, green roofs elsewhere, and naturally ventilated.

the layout

The upper floors of the house will be for treatment rooms, some hotdesking, a member’s quiet lounge and a mezzanine outside dining and seating area.

the access

Access and car parking will be reorganised to make it more accessible. The community hall will be refurbished and available for use by local groups.